The tragic data behind Black Friday. Even Twitter's founder is leaving Twitter! Where art thou mobile-first indexing? Are consumers ready to shop in person? And more!
Are good reviews hurting your Google ranking? Check your accounts Google might have refunded you some money! Even non-social media platforms are trying to be like TikTok! And more!
Is it the beginning of the end for WordPress themes? The hack that exposed thousands of brand web sites is growing. How is the broken supply chain affecting delivery times? And more!
The big brand giving up social media — but this time, for good? Also Snapchat's drive to make marketing augmented continues... B2B marketers now get better tools on LinkedIn... And more!
Why your Instagram hashtag strategy is probably wrong... Facebook loosens its tie on a very contentious ad policy... What is the ideal length of a blog post for SEO... And more!
Facebook's new test will take even more of a chunk out of your already puny organic reach. The popular web format that's on its way out. The march toward a cashierless future continues.
Will Facebook's tiny new labels boost your holiday sales? We have the first look at Spotify's self-service ads platform. Google adds demand forecasting to your arsenal. And more!
Batten down the hatches — a new Google update is rolling out. Snapchat has some new toys for media buyers. Facebook totally isn't doing anything shady with its new security feature. And more!
Your Google ads just got a lot better — as long as you've got $50-grand to spend. Pinterest sets up shop in the future. YouTube outlines its plans for livestreamed commerce. And more!
Why is one of the world's largest brands running ads for other companies — and why are those companies hating it? Also: Facebook rolls out more ways to sell your product, and more!