Facebook has a new name. How an old brand is trying to attract younger customers. Can media buyers capitalize on the potential of connected TV? And more!
In the battle between Instagram and TikTok — has Zuckerberg taken the lead? Also: All that work you did for Core Web Vitals — did it matter? TikTok has some new ways to share content... and more!
The numbers are out and all the platforms are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch! Also, the fight for young users on social media... Amazon adds a lot more placements for your ad campaigns... and more!
Who cares if your boss thinks your content is high-quality — what does Google think?! Also: Did YouTube change its algorithm? How to exploit LinkedIn's code for increased reach... and more!
Facebook tries to make up with marketers... Instagram has good news for those of you interested in influencer marketing... Google's final answer about author ranking... and more!
TikTok's ad platform is getting stronger... YouTube's change might increase your video views... Another retailer starts selling its first-party data... And more!
Google Search is getting more volatile — what does that mean for your ranking? Pinterest is getting more... well, TikTok'ey, Instagram adds some welcome new metrics, WhatsApp Collections... and more!
Hey guys, guess how Apple's ad business is doing now that they're keeping all the data for themselves? Also today: What's next for YouTube, Google's scheme to delete all ads from search, and more!
The OG platforms are back. Also: The IAB wants you to stop being so clever, why Snapchat and TikTok still trail the pack, and Facebook on how tastemakers are made, and how influence is earned.
The $43,000 fines may be coming if you're doing influencer marketing wrong... one more brand ditches the mega ad platforms and builds its own... a helpful holiday guide to plan Q4... and more.
The next TikTok is Twitter?! The growing marketing platform being ignored by B2B. If morality won't stop Facebook's algorithms, maybe legislation will. And congratulations — you're on Page 1 of Google