Your slow shipping may soon drag your SEO down… Another privacy-aware ad tracking solution is launched…The numbers are in and nobody cares about Zuck’s Metaverse… And more!
Facebook's answer to TikTok just got a major enhancement media buyers will like... How will Google handle your web site's infinite-loading pages... And more!
The court ruling is in in a long running case that threatened Google's entire keyword-based ad system. Plus: Five trends for metaverse marketers... And more!
Spotify doubles down on podcasting — and that's probably not great news for the industry... Google brings Stories to Data Studio... TikTok, for a change, steals from Facebook... And more!
Clickbait hasn't worked since 2009 — so why do content managers still rely on the practice? Google shares its plan to cut ad tracking from Android mobile apps. And more!
A huge bug on Meta's ad platform is massively over-reporting purchases... App marketers will soon get better performance... Google says they're not mass-denying ads... And more!
Google automates even more of your ad campaigns... Is your brand name feminine enough? Will viewers reject Snapchat's new mid-roll ads? And more!
Europe keeps fighting big data — now, it's going after Google Analytics. Behind the TikTok trend of food mashups. Is paper the next big thing in advertising? And more!
The future of AI commerce is Dong Dong... YouTube outlines its plans for this year... Why more than half of marketing agencies did major restructuring in the last year... And more!
That designer you hired on a gig marketplace isn't who you think they are... we have the top in-demand marketing skills this year from LinkedIn... And more!
Will Facebook and Instagram be blocked in Europe?... Small business owners may soon be able to drop the Stripe dongles... Does selling on two online sites hurt your sales?... And more!
We have an answer to what caused the nasty bug at Shopify... Five reasons your email campaign sucks... How will the latest Twitter change affect your engagement?... And more!